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What’s Your Worthiness Quotient?

What’s Your Worthiness Quotient? by Terri Amos-Britt | #AspireMag

Are you open to receive all the Universe has to offer? Or does life feel like a struggle? If it does, you are being called to raise your Worthiness Quotient.

Your Worthiness Quotient is how open you are to receiving love, support and nurturing simply for being who you were created to be. How high or how low your Worthiness Quotient sits is determined by how much you love, nurture and accept yourself.

Are you kind and gentle to yourself? Do you have as much compassion for yourself as you do for others? Do you live your life abundantly–without guilt? Are you satisfied and at peace?

A good way to determine whether you have a high Worthiness Quotient is to pay attention to what’s going on in your life. If life feels like a struggle, if you can’t seem to break through your glass ceilings, or if your relationships continue to be difficult, your Worthiness Quotient is low. And it’s based in the vibration you hold.

The Law of Vibration determines what shows up in your life. Everything is energy and energy vibrates. Energy attracts like energy. Low vibrations attract low vibrations. High vibrations attract high vibrations.

How do you know whether your Worthiness Quotient is high? Your life flourishes. Your relationships feel intimate and supportive. All your needs are met with grace and ease because you are holding a vibration that says you deserve these things.

So how do you raise your Worthiness Quotient to attract the things you want? You embrace your struggles as gifts to shift into unconditional love.

Every difficult relationship and situation that you attract into your life holds a low vibration and is a sign telling you that you’re out of alignment with who you were created to be. You’re not loving yourself unconditionally. This misalignment creates low vibrational feelings that say you’re not enough, that you don’t matter, and make you feel as if you have to “get it right” before you can have the things you want in life.

Raising your Worthiness Quotient means you must let go of victim mentality, feeling as if life is “happening to you,” and instead see everything as a matching vibration to the judgmental beliefs and feelings you have about yourself.

Retrieving the Gift of Love is the process I use daily and have taught people for the last 20 years to raise their Worthiness Quotients. The focus of this process is to allow whatever struggle you face now to take you back to the original point where you lowered your vibration. For instance, if you’re feeling as if you’re not being heard at work, the chances are that as a little kid an authority in your life shut you down when you wanted to talk. A difficult situation back then, probably with a parent or teacher, created a false belief in your subconscious mind that says you can’t be heard.

You took on a belief that something is wrong with you and lowered your vibration the moment you took on that childhood programming. And because that is the vibration you’ve been holding for years, that is what is being reflected in your life now. The way to break through your glass ceiling at work is to get to the original belief, release it and call back your truth. Standing in your truth aligns you with God and raises your Worthiness Quotient to match the things you want. And that’s when miracles show up!

Here are the Retrieving the Gift of Love steps to move into unconditional love and raise your Worthiness Quotient to inner and outer abundance.

 Retrieving the Gift of Love Process:

1.Get grounded in gratitude. Take a moment and imagine the light of God flooding into the crown of your head, your body and all around you. Give thanks for the difficult situation that is occurring in your life right now. Celebrate it, knowing that there is a healing taking place and that you are being guided to find love and acceptance within yourself. See and feel the situation as healed. Say, “Thank you, thank you, thank you God for this miraculous healing. Thank you for revealing the truth to me.”

Benefit: Getting grounded in gratitude immediately shifts you into a higher vibration and sets the tone for you to open up and receive healing.

2.Become the Divine Mother to Yourself. See your inner little five-year-old kid sitting on your lap. Give her a hug and say, “I’m so sorry you’re hurting.” (You may sense your inner child rather than seeing her, or you may hear her. Honor whatever is your path to healing.)

Benefit: By connecting to this little girl within, you begin to heal your aloneness and raise your Worthiness Quotient.

3.Let your feelings guide you. Feel everything! Allow anything to bubble up. As you feel all of your emotions of the current situation, memories will pop up in your mind. Allow yourself to float back as far as possible. This is embracing your humanness.

Benefit: By allowing your inner child to feel and having compassion for her, you raise your Worthiness Quotient so that compassion in all areas of your life will be mirrored back to you. This is a HUGE step in creating a kinder, gentler path for yourself.

4.Take back the authority. As memories flood in and out, focus on the picture from the past that evokes the most emotion. Ask you inner child, “What false belief did you take on in this old situation?” Allow yourself to hear, see or feel the answer. Tell her, “I’m the boss now. It’s time to let this go.” Send the picture of the past, along with the picture from the current situation, and all of the low-level energy in your body that you’ve been holding onto, into the white light of God.

Benefit: By taking back the authority of your life, you send a vibrational message to the Universe that says, “I am enough.”

5.Do a Soul Retrieval. You lost a part of soul when you took on that false belief. Ask your inner child, “What parts of your soul are you ready to call back?” You may hear, see or feel words such as love, happiness, peace, joy, creativity, or whatever else comes up for you. You may see whole pictures or feel them. Allow as many things to show up that you are ready to call back. Bring all of this energy into your heart and feel it explode throughout your body, cheering as if you are rooting for your favorite team.

Benefit: Bringing in high vibrational energies gives your Worthiness Quotient a giant boost.

6.Permission to be you. As you celebrate this healing, ask, “What is my truth?” And then give yourself permission to stand in this truth. That means taking action in this new way of being. With every step, you move into alignment with who you were created to be.

Benefit: It is in your truth where your Worthiness Quotients gauge sits at full capacity.

Retrieving the Gift of Love guides you to the Woman Leader of Love you were created to be. Notice in step #2 how I invite you to become the Divine Mother to your inner child. Holding the vibration of the Divine Mother takes you out of your old wounded child space and sends a message to the Universe that says, “I am worthy of being nurtured, guided and supported. I am worthy of being mothered the way I’ve always wanted to be loved. I am worthy of being the passionate, dynamic, creative, intuitive, sensual, empowered, woman I was created to be. I AM a Woman Leader of Love.”

By being the Divine Mother to yourself and living in gratitude for all of life’s difficulties, you will raise your Worthiness Quotient and finally open up to receive the things you want with grace and ease! You will step into your deepest life calling as a Woman Leader of Love, setting an example for the world to watch you and learn.


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About the author 

Terri Amos-Britt

Former Miss USA, Terri Britt, is the founder of the global movement, Women Leaders of Love. She is an Inspirational Speaker, Love Expert and Change Agent for women. As a spiritual coach, energetic healer, and the award-winning author of The Enlightened Mom, she’s guided women to raise their Worthiness Quotients for nearly two decades. Terri’s been seen and heard on hundreds of media appearances, including Today, NBC NY, and Fox National News.

In her newest e-book, Women Leaders of Love: How to End the #1 Massive Mistake Women Make & Unleash Your Greatest Act of Service, Terri explains, “We women have the power to create immense change in our lives, homes, workplaces and the world. We claim that power when we raise our Worthiness Quotients and become Women Leaders of Love, setting the tone for others to watch us and learn.” To grab Terri’s free ebook, go to

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