The identification with being a mom is a powerful one. Our role is clear: We are caretakers, nurses, counselors, and teachers. We are chefs, home organizers, personal assistants, and coaches. We wear so many hats as a mom that it’s easy to forget we once had a life on our own, before kids. Motherhood is so occupying that it’s challenging to bring it into balance with our other aspects—our sensuality as women, our need to find expression for our intellect and creativity, our careers, and our desire to serve our greater community. Yet these are the yin and yang qualities that paint the portrait of a complete woman—a woman and a mom today.

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As someone who is consciously focused on manifesting your soulmate, you too must recognize the powerful influence your thoughts and feelings have on your point of attraction, and do your best to keep them positive. I know; the process of magnetizing your soulmate can get discouraging at times. But if you’re approaching it from the mindset of “it’s been a year and it still hasn’t happened,” you’re living in the reality of what’s missing.

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