In Feng Shui honoring the kitchen as the heart of our home can promote wellness in our physical, mental and emotional being. Starting with these five steps, we can celebrate our lives by infusing love, joy, and uplifting energy into the space and everything in it.

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If you’re not feeling your best, sometimes it pays to look outside of yourself.  Your home, and the energy in it, is absolutely affecting the way that you feel. Feng Shui Practitioner Kerri Miller shares 3 ways you can shift the vibe in your home to elevate your personal energy.

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Because our home is so much a part of ourselves, it can be difficult to get perspective. It’s easy to let things accumulate over time without letting things go along the way. In my experience with working with clients and clutter, here are some telltale signs when too much stuff is too much.

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Why is the setup of your bedroom important in feng shui? First of all, most people spend about 1/3 of their time in the bedroom. It is the spot where our bodies and minds balance, recover, rejuvenate and more every day. It is essential that our bedrooms to be a place where we feel physically, mentally and emotionally safe – a place where we can be ourselves and express ourselves. Our bedroom is also a symbol of our inner self. Who you are and what you desire for your life to be like should be reflected in this heart of your home.

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Are you feeling overwhelmed, rushed and burned out? Do you have time to work on the things most important to you? Do you even remember what’s most important to you?

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