Personal life coach and midlife troublemaker Elaine Blais shares how the act of getting naked, literally and otherwise, redefined her relationship with herself to one of compassion and unapologetic self-approval.

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Using iffirmations (instead of affirmations) is a quick and easy way to create new possibilities for yourself while compassionately honoring your authenticity.

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by  Jami Hearn   

The art of offering compassion must first start with yourself. You are supported by a universe that isn’t programmed for suffering and pain. Take a moment, right now, and inhale the compassion you deserve. Let go of the stress and judgment, as you begin creating your ideal experiencing in this life! Intuitive Women’s Empowerment Coach Jami Hearn shares 3 sacred steps to support you on this journey as well as a script for a guided visualization

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Practicing compassionate detachment shows us a broader, more spiritual perspective on life. It opens up the intimate space of relationship so we can connect with the expanded dimension of our being, and the being of another. The practice of compassion involves empathy, which leads to a relationship between equals, rather than sympathy, which leads to a hierarchical relationship in which one person feels sorry for the other.

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