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How Your Spirit Animal Can Show You a Life You Love

How Your Spirit Animal Can Show You a Life You Love by Wendy Van de Poll | #AspireMag

Have you met your Spirit Animal yet? Do you know what a Spirit Animal is? Did you know that by having a relationship with your particular animal guide they can support you in finding ways to live a life that you absolutely love?

I am passionate when my Spirit Animals come into my life and offer me guidance towards living a more joyful, loving and healthy lifestyle. When they show up in my meditations, dreams or in real life I know there is something very important that I need to listen to. I am given the opportunity to embrace in my life something new and special. I better pay attention.

By opening your heart and soul to the possibility of meeting them you prepare yourself to explore a world where you can rely on your intuition and love rather than only using your intellectual abilities and rational mind to living your life.

By knowing this, the guidance that you will receive can be awesome and joyful. It can be life changing and sacred. You can actually begin to live some of the dreams that you created just because you became friends to your animal spirit. That is all they want to do. Is to make you happy, fulfilled and have a loving life by offering you incredible ways to bring forward your truth and follow your passion.

They also encourage you to discover yourself and get a truthful sense of who you are and the skills you innately have to develop your full potential.

They lovingly help you move through your challenges and transitions to be able to transform into a healthier and more balanced human.

Animal spirits have the uncanny ability to open us to see things with a new perspective on how we relate to nature, earth and energy.

The great news is, we all have Spirit Animals and all of their gifts are available to you. It is such an incredible experience when you set your intention to meet these astonishing and insightful guides. And what is really amazing is that they are more than happy to help you with your life every day to embrace your personal journey to live with love and deep nourishment for your soul.

Since everyone has Spirit Animals and they come into your life when you need them or when you actively seek them out. They are here to actively guide you and protect you.

Spirit Animals also carry meaning, wisdom and power that can undoubtedly lead you to a life that you truly cherish and love. They come to you in your dreams, meditations, visions and maybe even in real life.

They carry meaningful and soulful messages. They create lessons for you if you listen and know how to translate them. The purpose of your Spirit Animal is to bring your attention to a life lesson that needs to be acknowledged and dealt with.

Spirit Animals also are committed to helping with any important and unique life direction that you could consider if you so choose. Connecting with your Spirit Animal can bring a new understanding to who you are and how you relate to all the people, jobs, events and different aspects of your life.

To get to know your Spirit Animal and get answers on how to live your life full of brilliance and sacredness you can simply and respectfully ask for you animal to join you. You can do this when you set the intention during a guided meditation or before going to sleep at night or when you are connecting in to your Divine Spirit Team when asking an important life purpose question. You can even ask an animal communicator to guide you to discover your power animals.

As soon as you meet your Spirit Animal they will begin to teach you lessons. Almost immediately these lessons will be truly guiding you to live your life by loving who you are and the uniqueness that you bring. Their purpose is to teach you the life lessons that you choose to learn that give you…

  • Strength
  • Confidence
  • Self-esteem
  • Self-worth
  • Purpose
  • Health
  • Passion
  • Focus
  • Clarity
  • Responsiveness
  • Wisdom
  • Instincts
  • Intelligence
  • Grounding
  • Perspective
  • Discernment

Many people connect and meet their Spirit Animals and work through the journeys the animals present. However, some folks are not really sure what to do with it once they learn who their power or Spirit Animal is.

That is okay because learning what your Spirit Animal is teaching you is a personal journey and we all have different intentions, rituals and life purpose’s to reach a way of living that is full of love and passion.

Remember that your Spirit Animal whether they are alive or in your dreams represent a symbolic nature in your life and will offer you powerful insight into your personality, a particular event that has an emotional charge, any tools that you may need to be successful or purely offer an intuitive understanding for your journey to support you in everyway.

It is truly a gift when you meet your animal or animals. The most important thing is to acknowledge the respect you have for this relationship in your life and listen to the messages and lessons they want to share with you.

The thing is they come to you because they want to help you and it is up to you if you want to learn and transform your life by listening to what they have to teach you. It is okay if you are not ready to learn what they want to teach you and they will move on. But do know if you change your mind in the future they will come back.

As you can see there are so many wonderful and life changing things that the spirit of the animal can teach you on how to live the life you want to live with love. If you so choose to embrace the voice of animals know that throughout your life you will receive the powerful spirit and medicine of many animals. They will come in to teach you the lessons you are intended to learn.

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About the author 

Wendy Van de Poll

Wendy Van de Poll is sought after Animal Communicator Expert and Intuitive Life Path Coach dedicated to empowering women in discovering their Sacred Soul Promises and learning to trust their intuition. Using her intuitive coaching process, and with Sacred Soul Promises as a starting point, Wendy brings in the energy and messages of your animals (past and present) to empower and support you in knowing yourself on a deeper, more intimate level. She is the creator of The Sacred Soul Promise Method™ and The MarleyBee Foundation™. Wendy holds a Master’s of Science degree in Wolf Ecology and Behavior and has run with wild wolves in Minnesota, coyotes in Massachusetts and foxes in her backyard. In the recent past, Wendy was the past host of the syndicated radio show “Beyond Animal Speak’ as well as serving as a Massage Therapist for Humans, Horses and Hounds. Learn more about Wendy’s Intuitive Life Path Readings, Coaching and Animal Communication sessions at

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  • Very interesting. Animals often cross my path and offer guidance, however I am not sure I have a specific guide. Maybe it is time to explore this intention.

  • Thank you for this wonderful article, Wendy! Like Cindy, I have always felt a special affinity for animals (especially dogs and wolves), but I’ve never explored the relationship or looked for guidance from my spirit animals. You better believe I’m going to use your suggestions to create guided meditations that will allow me to access this special strength and wisdom. Thanks again! xxoo

  • Virg Lewis says:

    I have always had an affinity with dogs and maintain that if there is an evolvement through bodies – a well loved dog is near the top of the ranking. I am going to try asking for help. I could use some extra guidance.

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