As an entrepreneur and a business owner, you know how important it is to differentiate your business from other businesses. Human Design teaches us that we are naturally different from everyone else, unique in our thinking, our approach, and our actions.

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Self-made millionaires, even the heart-centered, spiritual ones, have learned to love money and have let go of negative feelings and conditioning around it. They’ve stopped telling themselves that money is evil or only for greedy people and have embraced the reality that money is an amazing tool that can be used to serve their families, their communities, and even the world.

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The energy and commitment that you put into your magic in the beginning is often reflected in your results at the end. Enjoy this process. Take your time. Do the practices. Be curious about the mysteries that you may discover along the way, and get ready to officially begin your wealth magic ritual. Here are some tips on how to keep your wealth garden growing indefinitely.

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You came into the world Divinely designed with a life purpose, a set of skills/talents to support you in achieving your purpose, and four prime gifts that are your Pillars of Genius. Those details can be found in your Human Design Chart.

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Every business owner knows that people do business with people they know, like, and trust. But did you also know that people form all of their relationships based on the know, like, and trust factor? Establishing a relationship occurs in these 3 steps.

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