Did you know that you are a container for all the possibilities which exist in this universe? Bryna Haynes, founder of #Evolution2019 shares the science behind the spirituality, and how quantum science is proving that you actually ARE a divine co-creator of your reality.

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Abundance isn’t just about how many dollars you have in the bank. It’s a mindset, a way of seeing your reality. And, like any mindset, it’s also a choice―a choice that you can make right now, in this moment, and every day of your life. Simply put, abundance is 1) the feeling that everything you need to move forward in life will be available to you at precisely the right time, and 2) the willingness to recognize and receive those things when they present themselves. All of the possibilities of the Universe are available to us in every moment. The ones that come into our reality are the ones we focus on.

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Hey there, creator. I know you’re stepping into your power. I know you’re discovering how you can create your reality by aligning who you’re being with what you want. I also know that you’re probably working (as most of us are) on an ongoing deep cleaning of your unhelpful thoughts, emotions, and patterns. If that’s the case, I have a very important suggestion that will change the way you manifest in your life. My suggestion is this: Erase the word “should” from your vocabulary. Why? It’s simple. You can’t create from “should.”

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When we decide that we are ready to start showing up as creators in our own lives, there are two fundamental truths we need to know. The first truth is something I call the Law of Creatorship™. This law underpins every other Universal law, including the Law of Attraction. This law states: You have infinite power to create every aspect of your reality. To access this power, you need only believe in its existence. The second truth is this: Who you are, and who you’re being in your life right now, are not necessarily the same. Put another way: You are not who you think you are.

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You’ve heard of the Law of Attraction―but there’s another, deeper law that’s operating in your life every day. It’s called the Law of Creatorship, and it says: You have infinite power to create every aspect of your reality. To harness this power, you need only believe in its existence. In this powerful article, Bryna Haynes explains why the knowledge of this Law is crucial to manifesting the life you truly want and creating a new reality of love and abundance for yourself and this planet.

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